Douglas Friedel

    Douglas Friedel

    Research Programmer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), University of Illinois

    Dr. Douglas Friedel is a Research Programmer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, focusing on processing frameworks and data reduction pipelines. He received Bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Mathematics from Clarkson University. He received his Doctoral degree in Astronomy from the University of Illinois with a dissertation on spectral line surveys and observations of organic molecules in the interstellar medium and comets, using radio telescopes. He subsequently worked for the CARMA radio telescope array, developing database interface software for tracking observations, receiver interface code, and writing the automated data reduction pipeline for CARMA observations. He was also a member of a team which developed the ALMA Data Mining Toolkit ADMIT), for the creation and analysis of new science products from ALMA data. He currently works for Crops in Silico and the Dark Energy Survey where he maintains and upgrades the framework codebase used for data analysis. His research interests include studying the origins of complex organic molecules in the interstellar medium and comets, spectral line analysis software, and automated data reduction and analysis pipelines.


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